(250) 920-8681if just "ok" is not good enough! get the BZYBZ...

Home CleaningBudget Minded
We can have your cleaning services match your needs and stay within your budget. You don't have to have a huge budget to enjoy the benefits of a top quality cleaning Services.
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seniorsAssisted Services
We match our services to the needs of our senior clients. Tell us what you would like done and we will get it done. Running errands, cook a meal, walk your dog tell us your needs.
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Office Cleaning Services
Small offices that need a cleaning service that will keep your work space clean and professional looking so you always give a great first impression to clients.
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welcomeBZYBZ Home & Office Cleaning

BzyBz Cleaning Services Sidney BC, Victoria, North Saanich, Brentwood Bay & Sannichton.


We are now filling select spots for cleaning and senior care.
We need clients for weekly, bi-weekly and monthly spots.
We provide everything needed to do a great job.
We treat all are clients as if they are family.
Call To-Day for Pricing!


“ Wow wow wow I can't believe the job. Great going lady!”

“ I thought my house was clean till I saw how clean it could be!”

Contact Information

Head Office
82 Don Mor Dr
Newmarket, On L3Y 1G7.
E-mail: info@bzybz.com